August 21, 2010

School Days, School Day, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

"School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick."

Click on the above chorus to hear the music and see the lyrics. Enjoy!

I am SO EXCITED! I have decided to go to school this term. The school I am going to is known among the circles of higher learning as A.V.I.D Learning Center. My instructor in all subjects will be the infamous SuZan Brown and my classmates are Me, Myself and I.

I have worked for years with these incredible individuals and it has always been an uplifting learning experience.

If anyone would like to join me, I have an "IN" with the headmistress and will put in a good word for you.

My classes are:

Humanities (English, Art and History)
English - Write life story - a beginning
Book List: "Breathe Life Into Your Life Story" by Dawn Thurston
"On Writing Well" and "Writing Tools" by Zinsser
"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt
A book of choice by Bill Bryson, Michael Wren or other authors
Project: Timeline of events of my life
Art - Awakening the Creator Inside
Book List "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron
Project: three dimensional art using lapbook techniques and pop-ups
Weekly: Scrapbook Double page spread
History - Personal Family History and Indexing

Energy Medicine using Essential Oils, Herbal Tinctures and Homeopathics
Monthly Resource Class: Butterfly Express, Instructor LaRee Westover

Foreign Language - Spanish: Read, Write, Speak, Listen
Book List:
Book of Mormon and Book of Mormon Reader
Classic Literature (TBA)
Various assignments
Weekly Resource Class: Let's Learn Spanish, Instructor Sandy Drake
Weekly Study Group

Religious Instruction
Weekly Resource Class: Isaiah, Instructor Garth Tesch
Weekly Resource Class: Book of Mormon, Instructor Sis Chambers

Computer Technology
HP Office Classes (HP Website)
Photoshop Classes ( and others)
In Design Classes (

Home Economics
Book List: "Clutter's Last Stand"
Mouth Watering Meals
Book List: " It's In the Bag"
Emergency Prep
Book List: TBA
Food Storage
Book List: TBA

Music - play one of following instruments at least once a week. All are to be played weekly

I think all I am missing is math for a well rounded curriculum. I will have to pick it up next time. I plan to do "Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe" by Michael Schneider. I would also like to take a Storytelling class next semester.

One requirement of all the classes is that I am to blog my progress and share my experience with you.

I have a PLAN. Now the adventure begins!


Corey Strange said...

Yeah!!!!! I love it! I want to try!
I think that sounds great. I've got to clean up real quick but want to talk to you some more about this!

Corey Strange said...

Oh, actually it's me Elizabeth!

Bonnie said...

That sounds so exciting! Plus now you've blogged about it so you have to follow through otherwise we'll pester you- it's one of the things I love about blogging :D Good luck SuZan can't wait to hear about it!!