December 13, 2009

Christmas is Coming

There have been a lot of exciting things happen so far this month. I have spent the last 2 weeks working on gifts for my mother and Forrest's mom. As I write this, I realize that I sent their gifts without taking a picture. Hopefully, one of them will be willing to take a picture and send it to me. It will be more fun if they are in the picture.

Last night I decided to make a really fun meal. I started out by making
Italian Stuffed Tomatoes". Then I decided to make Chicken and Rice (should have made noodles). This led to making Bruschetta and Alfredo Sauce which was delicious. It actually turned out very well. To top it all off, I made Cinnamon Rolls to eat after we decorated the tree.

Italian Stuffed Tomatoes

5 Tomatoes
2 Eggs, Hard Boiled
3 Anchovy Fillets
2 T Capers
6 oz. Tuna
2 T Parsley, Finely chopped
1 c. Mayo
8 Basil, fresh and torn
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut off the top of the tomatoes and hollow out the insides being careful NOT to break the skin. Turn upside down to drain. Dice eggs, anchovy, and 1 T. capers. Mix into mayo and tuna. Add parsley. Salt and pepper the inside of each tomato. Fill with tuna mixture. Top with basil and remain, whole capers. Chill in refrigerator for 1 hour. Serve cold.

Bruschetta with Feta Cheese

Yesterday afternoon it started to snow. However, the REAL storm didn't happen until late into the night. By morning it had snowed at least 18 inches. Our neighbor, Doug Moss, was so very kind and used his NEW snow blower on our driveway so that we could get out to go to church. I awoke at 7:00 to the sound of his snow blower moving the snow.

It snowed ALL day. Late this afternoon Forrest started moving snow around the mailbox. We LOVE getting mail and know that the mail woman won't leave it if she can't get to the mailbox. I joined him and together we moved snow in the driveway (yes it was covered AGAIN!). After 2 hours and Alex, Addison and Amberlyn joining in on all the fun, we were able to clear the driveway and 1/2 of the circle drive. Addison asked why we were bothering to clear the circle. It was very understanding when I explained that the propane truck would be coming to fill our 1000 gallon tank and that if the driver couldn't get to our tank we would be without a warm house and there would be no HOT water.

Watson had to get into the act of moving snow. He used his nose and plowed through the soft powder making wandering little paths. He really liked to be right where I was moving the snow so that he could sniff out any rodents or other undesirable creatures. His attentiveness made it a little difficult to work as he was always in the way of the shovel.

November 6, 2009

Harvest Party 2008

I just finished another scrapbook page. Two double page spreads in two days. Now that is a record!

November 5, 2009


Tiedyn is such a delightful baby. I had so much fun putting together this scrapbook page. The pictures were taken in May, September and October of 2009.

October 14, 2009

My Trip to Missouri

I find it hard to believe I haven't written in my blog for 6 weeks. So much has happened that time has just flown by and yet sometimes it feels like it is crawling. The first couple of weeks of September found me fighting an unofficial diagnosis of the Swine Flu. It was horrible!!!

September 10 -24 I was in Missouri visiting with Mycal and Stephanie as we impatiently waited for Baby to put in his/her appearance.

However, Emmuska, Liberty and I made good use of our time . . .

. . . reading "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and other stories . . .

. . . dressing up in Grandma's Hat and Glasses . . .

. . . creating a masterpiece for dinner, namely Seven Layer Dip. It was a hit in more ways than one! . . .

... the much coveted Brocolli Casserole . . .

and of course we can NOT forget the incredibly nutritious Missouri Backyard Stew.

In my spare time I took Self Defense lessons from Mycal. . .

. . . helped him put up a fence in the backyard. He dug the holes and I took the pictures . . .

. . . and then I watched as he entertained the children by blowing bubbles.

Just before I left I began to question if there really was a baby or if it was just one of Mycal and Stephanie's infamous tricks to get me to visit. It entered my mind that she had just put a soccer ball under her shirt so she would APPEAR to be pregnant.

I am happy to report that my suspicions were unfounded and there really was a baby. Samuel David chose to arrive 3 days after I returned home. If you would like to see pictures go to
Stephanie's Blog

August 31, 2009

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is an incredible edifice. It was built in the 1880's. It is the tallest building in Paris. The people of Paris actually hated the structure and wanted it taken down after the World's Fair in 1892. However, today it is loved by the Parisan people and has brought over 200 million visitors to France.

It is very intimidating during the day, but at night it is spectacular. On our first night in Paris our bus driver arranged for us to be driving toward it just as the lights came on at 10:00 pm. The lights are on for only 5 minutes so it is quite difficult to time it just right (traffic in Paris is NOT accomodating to anyone trying to get anywhere!).

August 14, 2009


Today I decided to finish up a scrapbook page that I started at the end of March. It was never finished because I spent all of April at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC with Addison on life support. In May I was busy taking care of Addison at home and adjusting to Amberlyn returning home from 13 months at Solstice RTC. Then, June was busy as I toured Europe. I have no idea what happened to July. August finds me trying to get my life back on line. Here is my first attempt at accomplishing some normalicy in my life.

This double page spread will be published in an ABC123 book all about ME! If you have any SCRAPABLE ideas for the other 25 letters in the alphabet, please submit them. Double click on the image to be able to enjoy all the fascinating detail.

August 13, 2009

Nonsensical English Language

This morning I was talking to Stephanie, BEST daughter-in-law "(BDIL) in the world, about the English language. I made a comment about how "people" wrongly think that English is such a sensible language. Stephanie then mentioned that Spanish is so much more sensible than English. I countered with the example of "el sofá".

Note: The majority of Spanish words that end with the letter 'a' are of the feminine gender so the definite article ''la'' comes before the word. However, sofä has the definite article ''el'' (masculine gender) despite the ''a'' ending on sofä.

I asked, "What kind of sense does that make?"

Stephanie kindly tutored me on the origin of the word sofá as an English word that was Spanishized. I agreed that it was possible, but then asked, "Why didn't they (the Spanish Linguistics Council) use "la'' as the definite article?

In a classic Stephanie teaching moment the answer came in question form.

"Actually it makes perfect sense for the article to be masculine, Who do you think sits on the couch the most?".

Well, I must say I had never looked at it that way and thanks to my incredible BDIL, I will never make the mistake of saying "la sofá" for "el sofá" again.

After drying the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard, I then went back to my original point that people are wrong to think that English is a sensible language. My proof is the following poem.

The English Tongue
(author unknown)

When the English tongue we speak
Why is ''break'' not rhymed with "weak''?

When we want to make a verse,
We can't rhyme a "horse with ''worse.''

''Beard'' is different from ''heard'',
''Lord'' is not pronounced like ''word''.

''Cow'' is ''cow'' but ''show'' is ''show'',
''Do'' is never rhymed with ''go''.

Think of ''rose'' and ''nose'' and lose''
And of ''goose'' and yet of ''choose''!

''Cough'' and ''through'' don't rhyme with ''plough''
Nor do ''rough'' or ''dough'' with ''bough''.

Don't rhyme ''flood'' or ''food'' with ''good'',
You'd be laughed at if you should.

We have ''year'' and ''hear'' and ''pear'',
''Come'' and ''home'' and ''are'' and ''care"!

''Five'' and ''give'' and ''boot'' and ''foot'',
''Post'' and ''cost'' and ''shut'' and ''put''.

And since ''lay'' is rhymed with ''say'',
Why not ''laid'' with ''said'' I pray?

Wherefore ''done'', but ''gone'' and ''stone''?
Is there any reason that is known?

And in short, it seems to me
Sounds and letters disagree.

August 6, 2009

Santorini - Facing Death on the back of a Donkey

Santorini was the last island that we visited before returing home to REAL LIFE! I have chosen to share our experiences there before the other islands in response to a post on Stephanie's blog. Make sure to read her TWO posts on July 27, 09 entitled "Because She's so Cute" and Emmuska's Purse".

Forrest: "I'm riding the donkey up the mountain. What are your plans?"
SuZan: "Riding the donkey??? (gasp) You have got to be kidding!!! Have you seen the path up the mountain???? It is suicide to ride a donkey up that path. I think I'll walk or ride the cable car."
Forrest: "You need to do it for your grandchildren! Just think how excited they will be seeing Grandpa and Grandma risking their very lives to have an experience to share with them.
SuZan: "UGHHHHH" That is hitting below the belt. Ok! for the grandchildren!!!! I sure hope they appreciate my great sacrifice!!!!!

Forrest and I then proceeded to ride SEVERAL hundred feet (over 20 minutes) up the side of a volcano on the most onery, insane, demented, suicidal donkeys that have ever existed. Everyone else's donkeys seemed to understand that the side of the path with the 2 foot wall was very dangerous and to be avoided. NO! not our donkeys! They loved the excitement and danger of dangling us over the edge of the wall so that we could see the death that awaited us. When dangling us was not an option they would bite and fight with the other donkeys or sit in one place refusing to move on. We finally reached the top and made the unanimous decision that when our shaky, non supportive legs could function again, that we would happily ride the cable car back down the mountain to safety.

Santorini is at the top of the mountain (white buildings) which is actually the side of a volcano. Our ship is INSIDE the volcano. In the center of the photo, the white ribbon going back and forth up the mountainside you can see the switchbacks of death which the donkeys love to traverse to take unsuspecting tourists to their death.

Forrest unsuspectingly starting on his journey to Santorini.

This picture was taken just before the donkeys decided to begin dangling us OVER the side of the wall.Smiles and laughter for Emmuska, Liberty and Tiedyn. Note: I didn't look like this at the end of the journey. Picture a face etched with deep lines of terror and shaky unsupporting legs.

Santorini - the end of the road.