October 31, 2010

Happy Harvest Everyone!

Today we had ONE very cute Trick-or-Treater come to our door.

We decided to invite him to eat Dinner in a Pumpkin with us.

He thought the cornbread muffins were the BEST!

Later, while visiting Alex's room I saw that we had an illuminated masked alien.

I have been very busy with my SCHOOL assignments. One of my most recent projects has been Frog Breeding. I have taken pictures of my cute little critters for you viewing pleasure.

My frogs LOVE going to the pond and consuming dragonflies. It is always extra fun when they find tidy little presents to open.

Here is my nursery overflowing with Lanterna frogs. I earned 2000 experience points for breeding 8 of these jack-o-lantern wanna-bes.

I now have 7 habitats PLUS the nursery. I am beginning to have a little empathy for the Egyptians during their trial by frogs. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all these creatures and I am sure mine are much more cute than any that lived about 3000 years ago.

The second to the top habitat is housing my Cloudback frog family, Mom, Pop and 6 wee froggies. On the top row you will see some froggy friends. They are know as the Tree Hug frogs. The third one is my favorite. I just love his little brown pants with his green shirt.

Stephanie and I are now working in tandem so that we can collect all of the frog families. She is AMAZING when it comes to frog biology. She knows every froggy by name and puts eHarmony to shame when it comes to finding the perfect mate for each of her froggy friends. I think in her next life she should become a frog matchmaker. However, it really isn't fair. Stephanie has had Emmuska and Liberty to hop her frogs to happiness. AND if that wasn't enough she now has her sister to help hop frogs.

Well it is time to hop some more frogs to happiness. Wishing you a wonderful week. Remember to Enjoy the Journey!

October 17, 2010

Good Heavens!!!! How time flies!!!!

What on earth happened!!! I was doing so well with my blog posts. I even posted two days straight. Then, I think I entered a time warp in which I lost an entire month of blogging opportunities. However, my time was not wasted because I was able to be GRANDMA to my beautiful grandchildren. Here are some of our activities.

Elizabeth and Azure arrived on Tuesday. We headed to the library to make sure we had a good supply of books.

Azure is learning to walk at 7 months.

The cousins arrived on Thursday. Here is Emmuska holding Azure.

Emmuska was the first to see our visitor, Rainbow Man.

Thyrl and Madeline (who wants to be known as GG to her Great Grandchildren) arrived Thursday afternoon. Here is Thyrl talking with Jennifer.

Also, Jennifer brought Tiedyn up to visit. . .

. . . and to give hair cuts.

Stephanie brought her scrapbooking supplies so we could PLAY!!!! Elizabeth enjoyed some time being creative.

Samuel LOVED the train!

Mycal was in the thick of things.

I purchased an army hat for Samuel, and Mycal just couldn't resist! It helped Mycal through his Army base withdrawals.

We had a party on the last night to celebrate Liberty and Emmuska's birthdays.

They loved their fairy wings. Emmuska informed us that it was the BEST party ever!

The glow necklaces and bracelets were a hit.

Even Watson, participated!!!

September 15, 2010

While making pasta salad last night, I cut my thumb. Today in my inbox was a link to a video on how to cut veggies WITHOUT cutting your fingers. Thought you might enjoy!

September 14, 2010

Rainbow's End

A few weeks ago, after a severe thunderstorm, I saw the most incredible sight from my front porch. I don't think I have ever seen a double rainbow before.

I stitched two pictures together to get the full rainbow.

September 5, 2010

Choking on a Plate of Good Intentions

Once again (my life in a nutshell) I have over extended myself. My eyes are definitely larger than my stomach. I constantly go through the smorgasbord of life filling my plate to the brim with all the delectable things I see. However, when it comes to actually eating the fare, I find my capacity is considerably smaller than my heaping plate. This week I did nibble at a couple of my tasty treats. Here is my report.

Humanities - English, Art and History just didn't happen except for writing my morning pages 5 of 7 times.

Science - I am reading "Heal Thyself" by Edward Bach, MD. I have an assignment to give a presentation on chapter 4 this coming week at my Energy Medicine class. He basically says we need to:

"... seek out any faults in our constitution and wash them out by developing the opposing virtue, thus removing from our nature the cause of the conflict between Soul and personality, which is the primary basic cause of disease."

I agree with this basic statement. However, he also says"

"The ultimate conquest of all will be through love and gentleness and when we have sufficiently developed these two qualities nothing will be able to assail us, since we shall ever have compassion and not offer resistance; for again by the same law of cause and effect it is resistance which damages.

I absolutely do NOT agree with this statement. Resistance, or in other words, opposition, builds strength and character. Opposition (resistance) is a true principle as found in 2 Nephi 2:11, 15 :

"For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be broughtto pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
• • •
15 And to bring about his eternal apurposes in the end of man, after he had bcreated our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the cfowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must needs be that there was an opposition; even the dforbidden efruit in fopposition to the gtree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.

For my presentation I need a list of characterfaults and the opposing virtues which eradicate the faults. Any ideas?

Foreign Language - I did go to study group and my class but I really NEED to actually study. I am working on verb tenses and vocabulary.

Religion - I am working through chapter 5 of Isaiah. I am finding this study to be fascinating. I begin class in a couple of weeks. Also, I am reading in 3 Nephi about our Savior's visit to the Americas.

Computer Tech - I completed my advanced Word class. Also, I PLAYED with my Wacom tablet and pen tool in Photoshop. This is SO MUCH FUN. Anyone want a lesson??? And last but not least, I helped Alex with his Word assignment.

Home Economics - I did the normal everyday stuff that DOES NOT count. This is one tasty treat I need to indulge in more.

Music - Another tasty treat that I have yet to enjoy.

Well, now that I have reported I see that I did better than I thought. However, there is definitely room to improve. This week I will be spending 4 days at my Energy Medicine class. We are studying homeopathy.

Oh, just to make the post intersting, I thought I would post some pictures I took this week. Enjoy!

Tiedyn had fun picking these summer squash out of our garden.

Addison is officially an adult. Top, left to right Amberlyn, Paige (Addison's girlfriend), Addison and Matt.

Alex and Watson on guard duty.

August 29, 2010

Opening the Gates of Hell

Did you know that the password to the gates of hell is PLAN? How do I know? Because the last line in my previous post was PLAN and suddenly the gates swung open and a mighty tempest tried to blow me in. As the wind picked me up and attempted to THROW me through the gates I grabbed onto the iron fencing and held on tight.

It took days for the wind to die down, but I kept holding on and was finally able to work myself away from the gaping hole to relative safety. Through the terrible tempest I was able to accomplish a few of the things I had INTENDED to do (according to thesaurus.com INTENDED is a synonym for the PASSWORD to the gates of hell. Hopefully it will be safer to use).

I actually spent about 4 hours studying Spanish. This is a GREAT improvement over the last 3 months. I am learning several verb tenses at the moment.

The most fun I had was the Photoshop Pen Tool class I am taking online. This is truly an amazing tool. If anyone wants to learn how to use it just give me a call and I will teach you what I have learned.

I have written my morning pages 6 of 7 days, read chapter 2 of the Artist'sWay and yesterday I went on my Artist Date and saw the MOST amazing chalk art by Julian Beever. (click on the link to see a YouTube video of this incredible artist). I just love how people and objects are able to interact with his art. Here are some of his paintings for you to enjoy!

I spent half of one day organizing my Energy Medicine workbook.

AND last but not least, I read and marked the first 3 chapters of Isaiah along with reading several chapters in the Book of Mormon.

This week I will continue with my INTENTIONS and see what I can accomplish. Hopefully our second car (used by Alex and Addison) will NOT throw a rod through the engine and I will NOT need to be the chauffeur for the family. Also, now that the first week of high school is over, HOPEFULLY the need to release stress will be minimized.

August 21, 2010

School Days, School Day, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

"School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick."

Click on the above chorus to hear the music and see the lyrics. Enjoy!

I am SO EXCITED! I have decided to go to school this term. The school I am going to is known among the circles of higher learning as A.V.I.D Learning Center. My instructor in all subjects will be the infamous SuZan Brown and my classmates are Me, Myself and I.

I have worked for years with these incredible individuals and it has always been an uplifting learning experience.

If anyone would like to join me, I have an "IN" with the headmistress and will put in a good word for you.

My classes are:

Humanities (English, Art and History)
English - Write life story - a beginning
Book List: "Breathe Life Into Your Life Story" by Dawn Thurston
"On Writing Well" and "Writing Tools" by Zinsser
"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt
A book of choice by Bill Bryson, Michael Wren or other authors
Project: Timeline of events of my life
Art - Awakening the Creator Inside
Book List "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron
Project: three dimensional art using lapbook techniques and pop-ups
Weekly: Scrapbook Double page spread
History - Personal Family History and Indexing

Energy Medicine using Essential Oils, Herbal Tinctures and Homeopathics
Monthly Resource Class: Butterfly Express, Instructor LaRee Westover

Foreign Language - Spanish: Read, Write, Speak, Listen
Book List:
Book of Mormon and Book of Mormon Reader
Classic Literature (TBA)
Various assignments
Weekly Resource Class: Let's Learn Spanish, Instructor Sandy Drake
Weekly Study Group

Religious Instruction
Weekly Resource Class: Isaiah, Instructor Garth Tesch
Weekly Resource Class: Book of Mormon, Instructor Sis Chambers

Computer Technology
HP Office Classes (HP Website)
Photoshop Classes (Lynda.com and others)
In Design Classes (Lynda.com)

Home Economics
Book List: "Clutter's Last Stand"
Mouth Watering Meals
Book List: " It's In the Bag"
Emergency Prep
Book List: TBA
Food Storage
Book List: TBA

Music - play one of following instruments at least once a week. All are to be played weekly

I think all I am missing is math for a well rounded curriculum. I will have to pick it up next time. I plan to do "Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe" by Michael Schneider. I would also like to take a Storytelling class next semester.

One requirement of all the classes is that I am to blog my progress and share my experience with you.

I have a PLAN. Now the adventure begins!

August 4, 2010

All You Can ________ Buffet Response

Once again I am responding to Stephanie's Blog (August 3, 2010).

I have decided I do NOT need more things to see, hear, smell, taste, touch or think. I certainly do NOT need more audiobooks to listen to, more digital scrapbooking kits (5000+ and counting) to create with, more books to read, more meals to make or house to clean, and I certainly do NOT need more food to eat. I have enough ideas, plans and projects to fill the ocean and still have some to spare.

What I need is TIME!!!!! and the ability to remember what I am trying to accomplish. I need more time to enjoy all the buffets that are before me. The list is endless. Just this week I created a very conservative list of all the things I want to feast upon RIGHT NOW! It is very intimidating.

Here's my lists:

Education - French, Spanish, Artist's Way, Institute Classes in the fall, HP Classes and Lynda Online Training to gain more computer skills.

Hobbies/Vocation - cross stitching, scrapbooking, energy work

Home and Family - clean and organize home, create menus and meals, decorate and remodel, food storage, emergency preparation

Personal - Journaling and Life story

Physical - Exercise

Social - Correspondence to family and friends, blogs, email

Spiritual - scripture study/conference addresses, temple attendance, church callings: Visiting Teaching, ward web page, scout committee and family history consultant which includes teaching the class on Sunday and indexing.

Yes, this list is conservative!!!

Hmmmm! I just had an epiphany (ah ha moment). I think it is possible that I am a glutenous person. Before me sits an endless buffet of physical, emotional and spiritual food and I am overwhelmed by trying to take in all the possibilities. Maybe I should consider a simpler diet and then I could enjoy life more.

August 2, 2010

The Clubhouse

On Stephanie's blog dated July 28, you will find a post about Emmuska and Liberty enjoying a clubhouse in their backyard. This reminded me of a clubhouse that I built out of PVC pipe with a little help from Auntie Doris, for Mycal (age 3.5 years) and Elizabeth (2 years) while we were living in Texas.

Auntie Doris (on the right) had come to help before and after Jennifer's birth. This was ONE of the projects she whipped up on her sewing machine during her visit.

Mycal (left) and Elizabeth (right) with their favorite vehicles in their clubhouse.

Clubhouse Christening! Here is Mycal looking the part for such a solemn occasion.

The clubhouse served its purpose until we moved back to AZ. However, it was definitely lacking in creative eye appeal compared to the more sophisticated modern version created by Stephanie, 27 years later.

July 13, 2010

Work Vs. Play

In May I took a class in which we discussed the importance of having a balanced schedule. The teacher shared her ideal schedule with us. She is to WORK one hour a day and PLAY ten hours a day. I am very aware of what this incredible woman does with her time so I immediately judged that she was not practicing what she was preaching. The shock came when she explained that it was very important to determine what the word WORK and PLAY means. For example, anything/everything to do with her business, especially creating a new essential oil blend, was PLAY to her. She indeed was PLAYING ten hours a day as she created her oil blends, taught her students and wrote her books on Energy. She WORKED one hour a day as she tidied her home in the evening.

I realized that:
1. The REAL definition of work is an activity one DOES NOT enjoy!
2. The REAL definition of PLAY is an activity one DOES enjoy!

In the past my children have angrily accused me of playing all the time. I was always feeling defensive because I cleaned the house, made the meals, did the laundry etc, helped with schoolwork and any project that came along, even at 1:00 am. I realize now that my children were accurate in their accusation. I do play all the time because I am able to thoroughly enjoy most of my tasks (thanks Stephanie for pointing out the truth)

I began analyzing my day. I found that I very seldom WORK. My work really only happens about 5 hours a week when I am forced by my family's need to survive, to go to town to shop for groceries.

I enjoy cleaning and organizing my home, therefore it is PLAY!
I enjoy PLAYING on my computer, editing book, playing with photoshop, etc.
I enjoy learning new languages, studying and reading.
I enjoy my church callings, especially teaching classes.
I love learning and practicing everything possible about energy.
I absolutely LOVE learning NEW, EXCITING things!

The things that fall in between WORK and PLAY are making meals and being creative, such as cross stitching. They should be, and in the past have been PLAY, but at this time feel stressful. I have determined I need to fix the problems so that these two activities will return to the PLAY category. I want to change my attitude for shopping and then that will be PLAY too!

It will be a Wonderful Life when I am able to PLAY ALL DAY and NEVER WORK! (See definitions above for WORK and PLAY)

January 22, 2010

Fresh and Colorful

The world is so full of wonderful opportunities to do really exciting things. Several nights ago I received a very excited late night call from Stephanie. She had found an incredible website created by a very talented lady, The Pioneer Woman, who is/was offering free Photoshop actions. Of course Stephanie doesn't just give a gift and then leave it alone. She took it one step further and challenged me to do something with this gift.

Note: I went to Jennifer's blog and saw all her great pictures. When I talked with her she added her encouragement to Stephanie's challenge. That was the last straw. I had to give it a try.

Here is my first attempt . The picture on the left is the original. The picture on the right has been changed by the Fresh and Colorful Action. Can you see any difference?

January 10, 2010

Edward Cullen Came to Visit

Yes, you read the title correctly. Much to my delight, I found Edward Cullen on my doorstep one morning this week. He has proceeded to turn our hearts cold each time we see him. He claims to be a vegetarian vampire but ....

On the first day he chose to hang out in the entrance. Amberlyn returned home from school in quite a rush because she needed to visit the little girl's room. When she rounded the corner from the mud room door to go to the restroom she ran directly into our favorite blood sucker. I will never forget her scream of shock.

I made sure I contacted Forrest and let him know we had a visitor. He thought we should invite Bella to join us so that Edward would have someone to fawn over. He moved Edward from the one side of the entrance to the other so that everyone can see him when we open our front door. This was NOT a problem, except that when I came down the stairs, unaware that Edward had taken up a new view. However, never fear! Mae Tae is on guard and keeping the house safe.

I thought that Edward would be most comfortable in the library. He could even browse the shelves and maybe read a good romance novel. I thought he might really relate to Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn.

Tonight Amberlyn was feeling that Edward needed some excitement so she moved him to the bathroom. Her father was the first to be shocked out of his socks when he went to visit the little boy's room. The shouting and laughter would have woken the dead.

Edward obviously felt a little put out because he decided to park outside of Amberlyn's room to get a little rest from all of the excitement. He was in for a REAL shock when Amberlyn opened her door unawares of her visitor and Edward greeted her with his CREEPY smile.

I keep wondering where he is going to turn up next. I walk around the house repeating the words, "Edward is here, Edward is here" so that I won't loose my teeth when I run into him unawares.

Note: Edward's visit is courtesy of Mycal and Stephanie who have had TOO MUCH fun at our expense. They just couldn't resist sending Edward our way.