I have decided to set up housekeeping at ONE place on the internet instead of hopping from place to place in a mad frenzy and getting lost along the way. I spent one entire day studying out the different options and finally came to the conclusion that Shutterfly is where I need to rest my weary head.
With my blog at Shutterfly I have access to all of my pictures and videos that I have uploaded.
I can pick and choose which pictures/videos I want to display from the entire file.
Placing photos in a post is a breeze compared to working with Blogger's picture importer.
I have options to display pictures, singly, in groups, slideshows and moving filmstrips.
On my Share Site I can show off the photobooks that I have created (with Stephanie's help).
I can be very organized and have a place to highlight all my favorite people.
I can bring all my previous posts (from blogger and wordpress) to Shutterfly.
I shared my find with Stephanie, Elizabeth and Jennifer and they are now doing the same.
My Share Site at Shutterfly is password protected so if you would like to have access, send me an email and I will add you to my members list. Bonnie that means YOU!!!!
First of all I would like to say that I feel immensely special right now because you still want me to follow your blog :D It makes me happy!
Secondly I TOTALLY have to go check this out now and see just how wonderful Shutterfly really is!
And thirdly, my e-mail address is bonnie.stohel@gmail.com and I eagerly await an e-mail
Ok, I just HAVE to ask...was Forrest one of the people who called in response to the ad?
That by the way is hilarious!! So much more than what my dad did...
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