January 22, 2010

Fresh and Colorful

The world is so full of wonderful opportunities to do really exciting things. Several nights ago I received a very excited late night call from Stephanie. She had found an incredible website created by a very talented lady, The Pioneer Woman, who is/was offering free Photoshop actions. Of course Stephanie doesn't just give a gift and then leave it alone. She took it one step further and challenged me to do something with this gift.

Note: I went to Jennifer's blog and saw all her great pictures. When I talked with her she added her encouragement to Stephanie's challenge. That was the last straw. I had to give it a try.

Here is my first attempt . The picture on the left is the original. The picture on the right has been changed by the Fresh and Colorful Action. Can you see any difference?

January 10, 2010

Edward Cullen Came to Visit

Yes, you read the title correctly. Much to my delight, I found Edward Cullen on my doorstep one morning this week. He has proceeded to turn our hearts cold each time we see him. He claims to be a vegetarian vampire but ....

On the first day he chose to hang out in the entrance. Amberlyn returned home from school in quite a rush because she needed to visit the little girl's room. When she rounded the corner from the mud room door to go to the restroom she ran directly into our favorite blood sucker. I will never forget her scream of shock.

I made sure I contacted Forrest and let him know we had a visitor. He thought we should invite Bella to join us so that Edward would have someone to fawn over. He moved Edward from the one side of the entrance to the other so that everyone can see him when we open our front door. This was NOT a problem, except that when I came down the stairs, unaware that Edward had taken up a new view. However, never fear! Mae Tae is on guard and keeping the house safe.

I thought that Edward would be most comfortable in the library. He could even browse the shelves and maybe read a good romance novel. I thought he might really relate to Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn.

Tonight Amberlyn was feeling that Edward needed some excitement so she moved him to the bathroom. Her father was the first to be shocked out of his socks when he went to visit the little boy's room. The shouting and laughter would have woken the dead.

Edward obviously felt a little put out because he decided to park outside of Amberlyn's room to get a little rest from all of the excitement. He was in for a REAL shock when Amberlyn opened her door unawares of her visitor and Edward greeted her with his CREEPY smile.

I keep wondering where he is going to turn up next. I walk around the house repeating the words, "Edward is here, Edward is here" so that I won't loose my teeth when I run into him unawares.

Note: Edward's visit is courtesy of Mycal and Stephanie who have had TOO MUCH fun at our expense. They just couldn't resist sending Edward our way.